Monthly Archives: June 2015

Questioning Glory

“Until the story of the hunt is told by the lion, the tale of the hunt will always glorify the hunter”— African Proverb
Hunting requires silence and sneakiness. Essentially a person lacking the courage by allowing the unarmed target a fair fight for survival – which really defines coward. 

How often do we question history’s glorified Heroes and Those Ranked ones who cowardly violated the rights of whole humble societies – falsely assumed savages? 

O’ Great Spirit (Hopi Prayer)

Oh, Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, 

whose breath gives life to all the world. 

Hear me; 
I need your strength and wisdom. 

Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset. 

Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice 

make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught me.

Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock.
I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy – Myself. 
Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame.

Third Gender Recognition – Androgynous

The Story of Baby X (by Lois Gould) 
This fascinating story is a reflection on what shapes us as a society. See link below. 
This story, first appeared in 1975 Ms. Magazine, about a baby who was raised unaware of its gender – not as a girl nor boy, but as X. Prior to and following the birth of Baby X, the parents remained completely silent about the gender. No one knew, as well as Baby X. Imagine the curiosity in the community.  

Evidently definitions are shaping our perceptions and as a result form distinctions but! What about children who do not identify with one of the two genders? What about Androgynous children who sadly go unrecognized, excluded from these distinctions and! in many societies are shamed for their having both sex organs. 

Hermaphrodites exist in the animal kingdom – in nature therefore natural and clearly not a ‘condition’ – yet the same logic does not apply in ‘Human’ nature. Two official genders are recognized – only two which means the androgynous child is registered male or female. I cannot begin to understand the psychological effect as they grow older. Undoubtedly this is an effect fostered by our limitations. Everything is black and white and any color ‘tainting’ this mundane contrast is labelled as abnormal. Clearly we are an unconscious society dwelling in an abyss of ignorance – devolving due to subjective moral in conditional paradigm. Paradoxically we perceive our species as more advanced from our fellow creation. Perhaps ABILITY distinguishes us from animals but conducting ourselves wisely is certainly questionable. 
Personally I believe it is time we all progress towards officially recognizing a third gender as was in ancient times. In fact it is long overdue. Imagine for a moment the myriads of future children freed from silence and shame, and the current children and adults who face solitude fearing ridicule and or not feeling part of a ‘defined’ society. Imperative to mention are those children who are (will become) victims of premature surgery or therapy because of, 

1. either wayward parents who are too afraid to face reality, or 

2. parents aware of social waywardness who sincerely fear the well being of their child. 

However we analyze it, the challenge lie within the unprogressive greater society. 
You discern the following story.

Religious Delusion

Here’s my conclusion about religion.
Monotheism and Polytheism are the only two religions – that’s that. All labels ascribing to either ideology  have in fact completely misunderstood  or ignore the criteria. All religious labels claiming Monostheism continue to some form of worship towards secondary authorities and stone temples – essential pagan-like customs. Others go as far as worshiping Hierachies consequently resulting in perpetual sectarianism. Therefore! suffice to assert the following.

All labels ascribed to both monotheism render void because 

Religious authorities are in essence mouthpieces of God – one God – however disagreement between religious labels involves the one-God not being the same God. Sounds Polystheistic to me. The Trinity is polytheistic doctrine and in no way Monostheistic. 

As for Polystheists who don’t recognise the other Gods and Goddesses of other Polystheists, let alone the one-and-only Monotheistic God, displays grand disunity amongst a divine pantheon. This concept suggests we chose who are or not Gods – kinda like the follower sets the criteria. 

It it remains clear that mankind will never find peace or unity as long as labels like these divide us.